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Nettó ár: 11290 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN ISO 11850:2012
Erdészeti gépek. Általános biztonsági követelmények (ISO 11850:2011)
Angol cím
Machinery for forestry. General safety requirements (ISO 11850:2011)
Alkalmazási terület
This International Standard specifies general safety requirements for self-propelled forestry machines and machines configured as forestry machines. It deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events common to fellers, bunchers, delimbers, forwarders, log loaders, skidders, processors, harvesters, mulchers and multi-function versions of these machine types, as defined in ISO 6814, when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer. It does not deal with hazards specific to individual machines, such as those related to specific attachments, and therefore its use will not alone be sufficient to address all significant hazards for a majority of the machines it covers. It does not deal with hazards related to chain shot, chain breakage on the upper side of the bar, lifting operation, remote control operation, the need for work lights or road safety. For vibration measurement, the test setup and work cycles are not dealt with; nor is the verification method for noise measurement addressed. It is not applicable to hazards related to maintenance or repairs carried out by professional service personnel. The list of significant hazards dealt with is given in Annex A. This International Standard is not applicable to machines manufactured before its date of publication.
65.060.80 Erdészeti berendezések
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További adatok
idt EN ISO 11850:2011; idt ISO 11850:2011
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2006/42/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2006/42/EK IRÁNYELVE (2006. május 17.) a gépekről és a 95/16/EK irányelv módosításáról (átdolgozás) (EGT vonatkozású szöveg) (MAC06)
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MSZ EN ISO 11850:2012



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