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MSZ EN 60444-11:2011
Kvarckristályegységek jellemzőinek mérése. 11. rész: Az fˇL^ terhelési rezonanciafrekvencia és a CˇLeff^ effektív terhelési kapacitás meghatározásának szabványos módszere önműködő hálózatelemzési technikával és hibahelyesbítéssel (IEC 60444-11:2010)
Angol cím
Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters. Part 11: Standard method for the determination of the load resonance frequency fˇL^ and the effective load capacitance CˇLeff^ using automatic network analyzer techniques and error correction (IEC 60444-11:2010)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 60444 defines the standard method of measuring load resonance frequency fˇL^ at the nominal value of CˇL^, and the determination of the effective load capacitance CˇLeff^ at the nominal frequency for crystals with the figure of merit M > 4. M, according to Table 1 of IEC 60122-1:2002, is expressed in the following equation: képlet (1) This gives good results in a frequency range up to 200 MHz. This method allows the calculation of load resonance frequency offset deltafˇL^, frequency pulling range deltafˇL1,L2^ and pulling sensitivity S as described in 2.2.31 of IEC 60122-1:2002. In contrary to the simple method of IEC 60444-4, this measurement technique avoids the use of physical load capacitors, and allows higher accuracy, better reproducibility and correlation to the application. It extends the upper frequency limit from 30MHz by the method of IEC 60444-4 to 200MHz approximately. This method is based on the error-corrected measurement technique of IEC 60444-5:1995, and therefore allows the measurement of fˇL^and CˇLeff^ together with the determination of the equivalent crystal parameters in one sequence without changing the test fixture. With this method the frequency fˇL^ is searched where the reactance XˇC^ of the crystal has the opposite value of the reactance of the load capacitance. képlet (2) Furthermore this method allows to determine the effective load capacitance CˇLeff^ at the nominal frequency fˇnom^.
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MSZ EN 60444-11:2011



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