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Nettó ár: 22390 Ft
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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 15774:2011
Élelmiszer-ipari gépek. Friss és töltött tésztaféléket feldolgozó gépek (tagliatella, cannelloni, ravioli, tortellini, orecchiette és gnocci). Biztonsági és higiéniai követelmények
Angol cím
Food processing machinery. Machines for processing fresh and filled pasta (tagliatelle, cannelloni, ravioli, tortellini, orecchiette and gnocchi). Safety and hygiene requirements
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard applies to machines for the processing of fresh and filled pasta, by mixing, kneading, dough sheet forming, pasta forming and pasteurizing, as described in Clause 3. It applies to stationary and movable machines (not intended to be moved during operation), with a nominal capacity of not less than 25 kg/h. This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations, and events when the machines falling within the scope of this standard are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). It deals with the hazards during the following phases of themachines' lifetime: transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, setting and adjusting, operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance, de-commissioning, dismantling, disabling and scrapping. This European Standard applies to the following groups of machines: - discontinuous manually loaded kneading machines with or without lifting and tilting devices; - continuous kneading machine - combination of dough kneading and dough sheet forming machine; - forming machine processing one single dough sheet; - forming machine processing two dough sheets; - dough sheet forming machine; - sizing roller machine; - dough transport shuttle machine; - steam pasteurizer machine; - cooler machine; - dough sheet cutting machine; - gnocchi machine; - typical shapes pasta machine. This European Standard is not applicable to the following machines: - household machines; - auxiliary equipment (not changing the characteristics of product): conveying systems not part of the machinery, weighting and bagging equipment, lifting and tilting machinery (dealt with in EN 13288). This European Standard is not applicable to pasta processing machines, which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.
67.260 Élelmiszeripari üzemek és berendezések
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További adatok
idt EN 15774:2010
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2006/42/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2006/42/EK IRÁNYELVE (2006. május 17.) a gépekről és a 95/16/EK irányelv módosításáról (átdolgozás) (EGT vonatkozású szöveg) (MAC06)
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Nettó: 22390 Ft
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PDF (letöltés) formátum esetén (27% Áfával): 28435 Ft
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MSZ EN 15774:2011



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