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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 13208:2003+A1:2010
Élelmiszer-ipari gépek. Zöldséghámozó gépek. Biztonsági és higiéniai követelmények
Angol cím
Food processing machinery. Vegetable peelers. Safety and hygiene requirements
Alkalmazási terület
1.1 This European standard specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of vegetable peelers used in the commercial and institutional catering industry, and in food shops. The machines concerned by this standard are designed to peel different sorts of vegetables and tubers such as potatoes, carrots, salsify, turnips, celery and onions. The standard is limited to machines where the maximum capacity is 50 kg. The machines are not intended to be moved during operation. The rotating plate mixes the product under appropriate conditions so that the desired operation is carried out on the entire load. This operation can be: - the abrading of the surface of the vegetable or tuber; - the cutting of fine particles of skin if the fitting is of the blade-type; - grating, an operation which is similar to abrading; - scraping or cleaning with a brush, rubber coating or cast iron surface. Machines subject to this standard use water circulation to carry waste to the waste outlet. The underside of the plate is sometimes designed with raised parts which speed up the discharge of the waste water. This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, cleaning, removal of food blockages, feeding, changing the tools, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine. Machines covered by this standard are not intended to be cleaned by high pressure water jets. 1.2 This European standard does not apply to domestic machines. Vegetable peelers have nothing in common with meat derinding machines (which are dealt with in EN 12355), both from their design and use standpoint. 1.3 This European Standard specifies all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to vegetable peelers, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). 1.4 Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard for vegetable pee
67.260 Élelmiszeripari üzemek és berendezések
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idt EN 13208:2003+A1:2010
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2006/42/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2006/42/EK IRÁNYELVE (2006. május 17.) a gépekről és a 95/16/EK irányelv módosításáról (átdolgozás) (EGT vonatkozású szöveg) (MAC06)
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MSZ EN 13208:2003+A1:2010



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