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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 13390:2002+A1:2010
Élelmiszer-ipari gépek. Tészta- és lepénykészítő gépek. Biztonsági és higiéniai követelmények
Angol cím
Food processing machinery. Pie and tart machines. Safety and hygiene requirements
Alkalmazási terület
This standard specifies safety and hygienic design requirements for the manufacture of machines used for the production of pies, tarts, pasties, en croute products and other similar items where the pastry cases are formed by the closing under pressure of one or more forming heads. The standard applies to the following three basic types of machine: - machines where operators hands enter hazard zone 1 (see 4.1) at each cycle; - machines which are loaded outside hazard zone 1; - automatic machines. Figure 1, 2 and 3 illustrate examples of these. Automatic loading devices are not covered by this standard. This standard applies to electrically, pneumatically and hydraulically powered machines. Manually operated machines are excluded from the scope of this standard. Clause 4 lists the significant hazards identified on these machines on the basis of a risk assessment carried out following the principles in EN 1050:1996. The safety and hygiene requirements take into account the hazards arising from use (including setting, process changeover, operation), cleaning and maintenance. Hazards arising from foreseeable misuse (3.12, EN 292-1:1991) are also included. Flour dust is not a significant hazard at pie and tart machines. A noise test code is included in annex B to assist manufacturers to measure noise level for the purpose of the noise emission declaration. This document in not applicable to pie and tart machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
67.260 Élelmiszeripari üzemek és berendezések
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idt EN 13390:2002+A1:2009
Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2006/42/EK AZ EURÓPAI PARLAMENT ÉS A TANÁCS 2006/42/EK IRÁNYELVE (2006. május 17.) a gépekről és a 95/16/EK irányelv módosításáról (átdolgozás) (EGT vonatkozású szöveg) (MAC06)
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MSZ EN 13390:2002+A1:2010



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