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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 15649-4:2010
A vízben és a víz felszínén úszó szabadidős eszközök. 4. rész: B-osztályú eszközök kiegészítő biztonsági követelményei és vizsgálatai
Angol cím
Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water. Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class B devices
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies safety requirements and test methods related to materials, safety, performance and consumer information for classified floating leisure articles for use on or in water according to EN 15649-1. This document is applicable with EN 15649-1 and EN 15649-2. This European Standard is applicable for Class B floating leisure articles for use on or in water according to EN 15649-1 regardless whether the buoyancy is achieved by inflation or inherent buoyant material. Class B devices provide a buoyant structure with one or more body openings into which the user is positioned partly immersed. NOTE 1 Typical products forming Class B (see Annex B): - floating rafts with interior body holding system ("swim seats") mostly in circular or square shape, fantasy shape for playing purposes; - floating fantasy shaped (animal adaptations) structures with one or more openings to host a child's body, with or without body holding system; - floating with slits or openings to put legs through any shape (animal, car imitation, etc.); - floating rings with interior seat segments inside the circular body opening. NOTE 2 Typical places for application: - pools; - protected areas of lakes, ponds; - protected area sea shore (no offshore winds, no currents).
97.220.40 Szabadtéri és vízi sportok berendezései
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Nettó: 13160 Ft
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MSZ EN 15649-4:2010

2010-06-01 - 2012-04-01