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MSZ EN ISO 1452-2:2010
Műanyag csővezetékrendszerek vízellátáshoz és nyomás alatti földbe fektetett és föld feletti alagcsövezéshez és csatornázáshoz. Kemény poli(vinil-klorid) (PVC-U). 2. rész: Csövek (ISO 1452-2:2009)
Angol cím
Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Part 2: Pipes (ISO 1452-2:2009)
Alkalmazási terület
ISO 1452-2:2009 specifies the characteristics of solid-wall pipes made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water supply and for buried and above ground drainage and sewerage under pressure. It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods referred to. In conjunction with ISO 1452-1 and ISO 1452-5, it is applicable to extruded PVC-U pipes without a socket and pipes with a socket (integral or not), intended to be used for the following: - water mains and services buried in the ground; - conveyance of water above ground for both outside and inside buildings; - buried and above ground drainage and sewerage under pressure. It is applicable to piping systems intended for the supply of water under pressure up to and including 25 °C (cold water) intended for human consumption and for general purposes as well as for waste water under pressure. It is also applicable to pipes for the conveyance of water and waste water up to and including 45 °C and to a range of pipe sizes and pressure classes. It gives requirements concerning colours.
23.040.45 Műanyag csőidomok
91.140.60 Vízellátó rendszerek
93.025 Külső vízvezetékrendszerek
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MSZ EN ISO 1452-2:2010



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