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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 15182-3:2007+A1:2010
Kézi tűzoltó sugárcsövek. 3. rész: Kötött vízsugarú és/vagy állandó szögű, szórt vízsugarú, PN 16 típusú sugárcsövek
Angol cím
Hand-held branchpipes for fire service use. Part 3: Smooth bore jet and/or one fixed spray jet angle branchpipes PN 16
Alkalmazási terület
In addition to the requirements given in EN 15182-1, this part of this European Standard applies to hand-held branchpipes with smooth bore jet and/or one fixed spray jet angle branchpipes PN 16, with a maximum flow rate of 1 000 l/min at a reference pressure of 6 bar (0,6 MPa). It deals with: - safety requirements; - performance requirements; - test methods; - classification and designation; - information for use; - marking and maintenance. This part of this European Standard applies to branchpipes as defined in Annex A of EN 15182-1:2007. NOTE 1 These branchpipes offer no or inadequate protection for firefighters when the spray angle is less than 30 ° and therefore, should not be used in high risk fire fighting situations such as internal attack. NOTE 2 These branchpipes should not be used when fighting fires in or near electrical installations when the spray angle is less than 30 ° without written authorisation from the manufacturer in the manual. This authorisation from the manufacturer should include safety distances.
13.220.10 Tűzoltás
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MSZ EN 15182-3:2007+A1:2010

2010-04-01 - 2020-01-01