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MSZ CWA 15902-2:2009
Színpadok és egyéb előadó-művészeti létesítmények emelő- és teherhordó berendezései. 2. rész: Alumínium és acél rácsos tartók, oszlopok tervezési, gyártási és használati előírásai
Angol cím
Lifting and Load-bearing Equipment for Stages and other Production Areas within the Entertainment Industry. Part 2: Specifications for design, manufacture and for use of aluminium and steel trusses and towers
Alkalmazási terület
This standard covers design, manufacture and use of aluminium and steel trusses, towers and associated structural components such as tower head blocks, sleeve blocks, bases and corner blocks used in the entertainment industry. Entertainment activities are included but not limited to leisure, sports, arts, cultural performances, amusement or presentation of products. Examples of entertainment activities are: a) Product presentations; b) theatre shows, musicals, opera and ballet; c) classical, pop and rock concerts; d) festivals; e) exhibitions and trade shows; f) celebrations and parties; g) fairgrounds; h) conventions, demonstration meetings and i) production facilities for film, television or radio. It also applies to trusses present in buildings for public gathering such as discotheques, exhibition centres and sports arenas (excluding those used in the structure of the building). Constructions made from trusses („truss systems“) are complex structures, built using special elements such as corners (fixed or flexible), arch elements or a combination of different elements of the same truss or different truss systems. Trusses and truss constructions are used to support predominantly static loads or to serve purely decorative purposes. They can be hung, ground-supported, permanently installed or used as a moving construction It covers a variety of uses that are confined to the entertainment industry and applies to a range of structures subjected to normal atmospheric conditions. It does not cover individual, separate rigging hardware such as half couplers, shackles, wire ropes, etc. It is not intended that it is be used for structures subjected to severe thermal or chemical conditions. It is not intended to be used for the design of commercial lifting equipment, materials handling equipment, containment vessels, airborne or floating structures or for any application covered by another standard.
97.200.10 Színház-, színpad- és stúdióberendezések
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MSZ CWA 15902-2:2009

2009-12-01 - 2019-01-01