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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 12393-2:2009
Növényi eredetű élelmiszerek. A peszticid szermaradékok gázkromatográfiás meghatározásának módszerei. 2. rész: Extrakciós és tisztítási módszerek
Angol cím
Foods of plant origin. Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues. Part 2: Methods for extraction and cleanup
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies methods for the extraction and clean-up of food samples of plant origin for quantitative determination of pesticide residues. Different solvents can be used for this purpose. These pesticide residues are generally associated with other co-extracted compounds which would interfere in the analysis. To purify the crude extracts to be analysed, several techniques can be used. This standard contains the following extraction and clean-up methods that have been subjected to interlaboratory studies and /or are adopted throughout Europe: - method L: Extraction with acetone, liquid-liquid partition with dichloromethane and clean-up on a silica gel/charcoal column [1]; - method M: Extraction with acetone and liquid-liquid partition with dichloromethane/light petroleum, if necessary clean-up on Florisil® 1) [2], [3], [4]; - method N: Extraction with acetone, liquid-liquid partition with dichloromethane or cyclohexane/ethyl acetate and clean-up with gel permeation and silica gel chromatography [5], [6]; - method P: Extraction with ethyl acetate, and if necessary, clean-up by gel permeation chromatography [7]. This European Standard specifies the details of methods L to P for the extraction and the clean-up of food samples of plant origin. Several solvents at different volumes are used for extraction. Techniques of clean-up are listed such as liquid-liquid partition, liquid chromatography on various adsorbents and gel permeation chromatography. A table providing the couples (matrix/pesticide) which have been submitted to collaborative studies and a list of indicative applicability of the method to different pesticides are given for each method, wherever possible.
67.080.01 Gyümölcsök, zöldségek és a belőlük készült termékek általában
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MSZ EN 12393-2:2009

2009-03-01 - 2014-02-01