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MSZ EN 62226-3-1:2008
Villamos vagy mágneses terek által okozott expozíció a kis- és középfrekvenciás tartományban. Az emberi testben indukált áramsűrűség és belső villamos tér számítási módszerei. 3-1. rész: A villamos terek által okozott expozíció. Analitikus és 2D numerikus modellek (IEC 62226-3-1:2007)
Angol cím
Exposure to electric or magnetic fields in the low and intermediate frequency range. Methods for calculating the current density and internal electric field induced in the human body. Part 3-1: Exposure to electric fields. Analytical and 2D numerical models (IEC 62226-3-1:2007)
Alkalmazási terület
This part of IEC 62226 applies to the frequency range for which exposure limits are based on the induction of voltages or currents in the human body when exposed to electric fields. This part defines in detail the coupling factor K – introduced by the IEC 62226 series to enable exposure assessment for complex exposure situations, such as non-uniform magnetic field or perturbed electric field – for the case of simple models of the human body, exposed to uniform electric fields. The coupling factor K has different physical interpretations depending on whether it relates to electric or magnetic field exposure. It is the so called “shape factor for electric field”. This part of IEC 62226 can be used when the electric field can be considered to be uniform, for frequencies up to at least 100 kHz. This situation of exposure to a “uniform” electric field is mostly found in the vicinity of high voltage overhead power systems. For this reason, illustrations given in this part are given for power frequencies (50 Hz and 60 Hz).
17.220.20 Villamos és mágneses mennyiségek mérése
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idt IEC 62226-3-1:2007; idt EN 62226-3-1:2007
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MSZ EN 62226-3-1:2008



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