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MSZ HD 629.2 S2:2006
A 3,6/6 (7,2) kV-tól 20,8/36 (42) kV-ig terjedő névleges feszültségű erősáramú kábelek szerelvényeinek vizsgálati követelményei. 2. rész: Telített papírszigetelésű kábelek
Angol cím
Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV up to 20,8/36 (42) kV. Part 2: Cables with impregnated paper insulation
Alkalmazási terület
1.1 General This standard specifies performance requirements for type tests for cable accessories for use on impregnated paper insulated power cables as specified in HD 621. Formerly, approvals of such products have been achieved on the basis of national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. The publication of this CENELEC standard does not invalidate existing approvals. However, products approved to such earlier standards or specifications shall not claim approval to this CENELEC standard unless specifically tested to it. It is not necessary to repeat these tests, once successfully completed, unless changes are made in the materials, design or manufacturing process, which might affect the performance characteristics. Accessories for special applications such as submarine cables, ships cables or hazardous situations (explosive environments, fire resistant cables or seismic conditions) are not included. Test methods are included in EN 61442. 1.2 Type of accessories The accessories covered by this standard are listed below: - indoor and outdoor terminations of all designs, including terminal boxes; - straight joints, branch joints and stop ends and transition joints of all designs, suitable for use underground or in air; - screened or unscreened plug-in type or bolted-type separable connectors capable of interfacing with bushing profiles as specified in EN 50180 and EN 50181. 1.3 Rated voltage The rated voltages Uo/U (Um) of the accessories covered by this standard are 3,6/6(7,2) - 3,8/6,6(7,2) - 6/10(12) - 6,35/11(12) - 8,7/15(17,5) - 12/20(24) - 12,7/22(24) - 18/30(36) - 19/33(36) - 20,8/36(42) kV where: Uo is the rated power-frequency voltage between conductor and earth or metallic screen, for which the cable accessory is designed; U is the rated power-frequency voltage between conductors for which the cable accessory may be used; Um is the maximum value of the ’highest system voltage’ for which the cable accessory may be used. 1.4 Current The continuous current rating of a termination or joint for impregnated paper insulation power cables shall be in accordance with the appropriate cable specified in HD 621 and shall be suitable for operation at the rated current and under short circuit fault conditions at the temperatures stated therein. The current rating of a separable connector is governed by the current rating of the mating bushing, (see EN 50180 and EN 50181).
29.060.20 Kábelek
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MSZ HD 629.2 S2:2006
