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MSZ EN 14255-2:2006
A nem koherens optikai sugárzás személyi expozíciójának mérése és becslése. 2. rész: Mesterséges források által kibocsátott látható és infravörös sugárzás a munkahelyen
Angol cím
Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation. Part 2: Visible and infrared radiation emitted by artificial sources in the workplace
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies procedures for the measurement and assessment of personal exposures to visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation emitted by artificial sources, where adverse effects cannot be readily excluded. NOTE 1 Adverse effects will normally not occur in exposures caused by normal lighting or room heating. This European Standard applies to VIS- and IR- exposures in indoor and outdoor workplaces. It does not apply to VIS- and IR-exposures in leisure time. This European Standard does not apply to VIS- and IR- exposures caused by the sun. NOTE 2 Part 3 of this standard will deal with UV-exposures caused by the sun. This European Standard does not specify VIS- and IR-exposure limit values. It supports the application of limit values set by national regulations or international recommendations. This European Standard applies to VIS- and IR- exposures by artificial incoherent sources, which emit spectral lines as well as continuous spectra. This European Standard does not apply to coherent radiation sources. NOTE 3 Coherent optical radiation sources are covered by standards for lasers, like EN 60825-1 etc. This European Standard applies to visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation exposures in the wavelength band 380 nm to 3 µm. It also applies to radiation exposures that may present a blue-light hazard in the wavelength band 300 nm to 700 nm. This European Standard does not apply to other effects of which the action spectra lie solely within the UV-region 180 nm to 400 nm. NOTE 4 Part 1 of EN 14255 addresses these effects. This European Standard does not apply to radiation emissions of products. NOTE 5 For radiation emissions of products other standards apply, such as EN 12198 for radiation emissions of machinery, EN 60335-2-27 for household appliances for skin exposures to ultraviolet and infrared radiation and CIE S009 for the safety of lamps and lamp systems. This European Standard does not apply to heat stress, i.e. long term heat
17.240 Sugárzásmérések
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MSZ EN 14255-2:2006



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