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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 13411-3:2004
Acélsodronykötél-végek. Biztonság. 3. rész: Szorítógyűrűk és szorítógyűrűs kötélszemek
Angol cím
Terminations for steel wire ropes. Safety. Part 3: Ferrules and ferrule-securing
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard deals with the requirements for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops. It also deals with the requirements for ferrules for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops. This European Standard applies to the ferrule-securing of eye terminations formed either by a Flemish eye or turn-back eye and covers ferrules made of non alloy carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium and copper. This European Standard applies to slings and assemblies using steel wire ropes for general lifting applications up to and including 60mm diameter conforming to EN 12385-4, lift ropes conforming to EN 12385-5 and spiral strand ropes conforming to EN 12385-10. Type testing of ferrule-secured systems and manufacturing quality control requirements are also specified. This European standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to this particular steel wire rope termination when used as intended and under conditions of use which are foreseeable by the manufacturer. This standard applies to terminations of steel wire ropes with ferrules and ferrule-securing which are manufactured after the date of this publication. NOTE One design of ferrule-secured turn-back eye termination using an oval aluminium ferule which satisfies the requirements of this European Standard is given for information in annex A.
53.020.30 Emelőberendezések tartozékai
77.140.99 Egyéb vas- és acéltermékek
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idt EN 13411-3:2004/AC:2005; idt EN 13411-3:2004
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2005/12: Helyesbítés
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MSZ EN 13411-3:2004

2004-12-01 - 2009-05-01