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MSZ EN 14286:2004
Alumínium és alumíniumötvözetek. Hegeszthető, hengerelt termékek veszélyes anyagok tároló- és szállítótartályaihoz
Angol cím
Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Weldable rolled products for tanks for the storage and transportation of dangerous goods
Alkalmazási terület
This document specifies the technical conditions of inspection and delivery, the mechanical properties, the tolerances on dimensions and form of rolled semi-finished aluminium alloy products intended for tanks for the storage and transportation of dangerous goods, in particular of gasoline and other liquid hydrocarbons. It applies to hot or cold-rolled strip, sheet and plate with a thickness over 3,0 mm and up to and including 12,0 mm used as a wall material. NOTE 1 Compliance with the present document does not ensure compliance with national or international regulations. The user of the document is responsible for checking that the material he orders or sells complies with all applicable regulations. Depending on the chemical and physical properties of the dangerous good to be transported or stored, it can be necessary to agree on additional properties or inspection conditions in order to comply with applying regulations. NOTE 2 Some of the products listed in the present document can be subject to patent or patent applications, and their listing herein does not in any way imply the granting of a licence under such patent right. CEN/TC 132 affirms it is policy that in the case when a patentee refuses to grant licenses on standardised standard products under reasonable and not discriminatory conditions, then this product shall be removed from the corresponding document.
77.150.10 Alumíniumtermékek
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MSZ EN 14286:2004

2004-11-01 - 2007-09-01