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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 1466:2004
Termékek kisgyermekek és csecsemők részére. Mózeskosarak és kosártartók. Biztonsági követelmények és vizsgálati módszerek
Angol cím
Child care articles. Carry cots and stands. Safety requirements and test methods
Alkalmazási terület
This European Standard specifies safety requirements and test methods for products which are intended for the purpose of carrying a child in a lying position by means of handle(s) and for stands which may be used in conjunction with these products. These products are intended for a child who cannot sit unaided, roll over or push up on its hands and knees. Hereafter, in this European Standard these articles are called "carry cots" and include all types of carry cots with rigid or soft sides as well as moses baskets and any similar articles. Any other functions of the product shall comply with relevant European standards. The safety requirements specified in this European Standard are intended to assure that the carrying and sleeping functions do not present hazards to the child when the product is used in a normal way taking into account the foreseeable behaviour of the child. This European Standard is not applicable to car seats and reclining cradles. This European Standard has not considered the requirements of children with special needs.
97.190 Berendezések gyermekek számára
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Kiegészítő információk
Kapcsolódó európai jogszabály
2001/95/EK Az Európai Parlament és a Tanács (2001. december 3.) 2001/95/EK irányelve az általános termékbiztonságról EGT vonatkozású szöveg (GPS)
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Nettó: 12520 Ft
Papír formátum esetén (5% Áfával): 15775 Ft
PDF (letöltés) formátum esetén (27% Áfával): 15900 Ft
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MSZ EN 1466:2004

2004-09-01 - 2008-07-01