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Hivatkozási szám
MSZ EN 60357:2003
Halogén izzólámpák (gépjárműlámpák kivételével). Működési előírások (IEC 60357:2002)
Angol cím
Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle). Performance specifications (IEC 60357:2002)
Alkalmazási terület
This International Standard specifies the performance requirements for single-capped and double-capped tungsten halogen lamps, having rated voltages of up to 250 V, used for the following applications: • Projection (including cinematograph and still projection) • Photographic (including studio) • Floodlighting • Special purpose • General purpose • Stage lighting For some of the requirements given in this standard reference is made to "the relevant data sheet". For some lamps these data sheets are contained in this standard. For other lamps, falling under the scope of this standard, the relevant data are supplied by the lamp manufacturer or responsible vendor. The requirements of this standard relate only to type testing. NOTE The requirements and tolerances permitted by this standard correspond to testing of a type test sample, submitted by the manufacturer for that purpose. In principle this type test sample should consist of units having characteristics typical of the manufacturer's production and being as close to the production centre point values as possible. It may be expected with the tolerances given in the standard that products manufactured in accordance with the type test sample will comply with the standard for the majority of production. Due to the production spread however, it is inevitable that there will sometimes be products outside the specified tolerances. For guidance on sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes, see IEC 60410.
29.140.20 Izzólámpák
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További adatok
idt EN 60357:2003; idt EN 60357:2003/AC:2003; idt IEC 60357:2002
Kiegészítő információk
2003/10: Helyesbítés
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Nettó: 23380 Ft
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MSZ EN 60357:2003



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